Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthy Cooking in the College World: Breakfast

Eating a fast, healthy breakfast can be really difficult. However, breakfast is extremely important to a healthy eating pattern. I normally eat my breakfast in the car on the way to school, which really limits the options. If you have time, cereal and milk obviously makes a good breakfast, as do smoothies. Smoothies are really easy if you have some type of a blender. strawberries and bananas are a great base for any smoothie. bananas will thicken a smoothie. strawberries, other berries, and oranges all add a tartness. mango and pineapple go really well in a more tropical smoothie. Add peanut butter to a strawberry and banana one. Add yogurt to any (will add a flavor) for extra protein. Use juice or milk to make the smoothie thin enough to blend (milk will drown out the fruit if too much is used--juice is really the best way to go). Use frozen fruit or ice cubes to make it colder and thicker. Less juice is needed if fresh fruit is used, though.

Hot cereals can also be really healthy. I like to buy some good multi-grain cereals like oats or muesli from a healthier store (around me there's whole foods, sunflower market, and trader joe's). I then cook it and add frozen berries such as raspberries or blueberries and some chopped nuts (any kind works, I just chop the ones I use for snacks :).

If you're taking smoothies or hot cereal on the go, I suggest cups that can close and be left in the car, or washing the cup out as soon as you get to school, or going the not-eco-friendly way and using disposable cups. They get pretty nasty after a day in a hot car!

My other fast breakfasts are to buy drinkable yogurts, make toast and peanut butter, or to eat a protein favorites are luna bars, larabars, and the harvest whole grain powerbars. I only buy these if they're on sale though: my aim for my breakfast is to cost a dollar or less, which means a sale is needed on the energy bars and drinkable yogurts. I would also love any other suggestions in this category, as I don't have a lot of ideas for fast breakfasts!

Oh, and I also eat cold pizza whenever I have it :)

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