Sunday, March 21, 2010

Top Ways to Procrastinate:

So I'm currently avoiding writing a lab report and studying for a different lab final...woohoo! Here's my best guilt-free procrastination methods:

1. Cooking! Somehow I always make my best meals when I'm supposed to be doing something else...or running late for school :)

2. Blogging! Whether its philosophy, cooking, or something totally random, blogging never feels like a waste of time...when I get around to it ;)

3. Phone Calls to Family! Somehow, I never feel guilty talking to my mom, dad, or sister...yet those conversations often occur on days when studying should be the priority

4. Cleaning! HAHA, like I ever actually do THAT! No really, I have been known to sort my room when avoiding something, especially when avoiding cleaning my bathroom or doing the dishes...

5. Playing with my Bird! She never gets enough attention when I'm at school, so OF COURSE I need to give her more when I'm home!

6. Studying my Bible! Yes, this can be used to procrastinate...just start reading Genesis and looking up the etymology of words and the historical background and you'll be fascinated too...I could spend hours!

And now, the guilty procrastination devices:

Somehow most of these are on the computer:
1. facebook
2. runescape
3. email
4. puzzle pirates
5. looking up grad schools :)

6. reading books
7. browsing the library
8. hanging out with friends for hours on end
9. watching movies

So there you have it, I'm sure I do more than that, but now back to my homework...

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